Sri Lanka ranks among the World’s top 13 safest countries to travel – Worldpackers

The world’s safest countries to travel to: top 13 destinations

Travelling and exploring the world is one of the best feelings ever but hey, it can be intimidating! If you’re a solo traveller (especially travelling alone as a woman) or someone more vulnerable, you may have a few doubts about going on a trip which is understandable. 

However, travelling should be enjoyable for everyone and should be relaxing and fun, not scary. That’s why I’m going to tell you about some of the safest countries to travel for a worry-free trip.

This doesn’t mean these are the only places you can travel safely, but they may be a good place to start to find your feet and then you can venture out a bit more. 

So let’s get into it. Here are 13 of the top safest countries to vist.

Safest countries to travel in the world

  1. Iceland
  2. Switzerland
  3. Denmark
  4. New Zealand 
  5. Canada
  6. Spain
  7. Portugal
  8. Ireland
  9. Japan
  10. Finland
  11. Austria
  12. Sri Lanka
  13. Rural UK 

Sri Lanka 

safest countries to travel to

With a large majority of the countries’ culture being Buddhist, this makes it a pretty safe place to travel as their mannerisms tend to be calm and welcoming. 

Sigiriya is a must-visit when travelling Sri Lanka – an enigmatic summit with remains of an ancient palace at the top? Who wouldn’t want to see that! 

Overall, there are some incredible top-destinations in Sri Lanka, but it’s recommended to go off the beaten path and discover it for yourself.

Make sure to check out Worldpackers work exchange and volunteer programs in Sri Lanka. If you have sports skills this Yoga Studio host is ideal for you. 

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